DUNE review
A New Beginning

Ever since we saw the first footage of Denis Villeneuve‘s “Dune”, this film has been at the top of my most anticipated list of 2021. Centered-around multiple families from different planets and home worlds, “Dune” is a sci-fi Epic on the largest scale. The Atreides family resides on Caladan and have just been given control of Arrakis by the Emperor. The Harkonnen’s, from Giedi Prime though who currently control the rich spices of Arrakis, are angered and will not stand for this betrayal. As house Atreides relocates to Arrakis, they must quickly learn the ins-and-outs of their new home World and prepare for the impending threat that they will most certainly face. This includes befriending the Fremen who inhabit the desert of Arrakis but are not so trusting of outsiders. Can House Atreides stand-up to the Harkkonen’s or was this simply all for naught?
As I said, “Dune” is a massive scale sci-fi epic; a rare, true gem. Filled with so many intriguing and different characters, the film is perfectly cast as each character offers they’re own unique asset to the film. Playing these characters are remarkable set of actors, including Timothée Chalamet, Oscar Isaac, Rebecca Ferguson, Jason Momoa, Josh Brolin, Dave Bautista, Javier Bardem, and Stellan Skarsgård just to name a few. Each of these remarkably-talented individuals are completely bought-in and give us rich, authentic characters to accompany the narrative. What’s also remarkable is that the film is so layered, both in its storytelling and its emotional impact. There are a lot of intersecting plot lines building towards a greater goal throughout, and while some films with these similar threads lose their personal touch, I’m relieved to say that Villeneuve’s does not.

As one would expect after “Blade Runner 2049”, the film is gorgeously shot and is visually stunning; making this an absolute must see on the biggest and loudest screen possible! Hans Zimmer’s inventive and pounding score accompanies the film beautifully as his work always does. “Dune” boasts an impressive runtime two hours and thirty-five minutes, but it absolutely flies-by as you’re left on the edge of your seat wondering what’s going to happen at every turn. As it says in the title card at the start of the film, this is Part One. However, this is no way cheapens the film whatsoever as there is so much to introduce us to in this “new” universe. While I do plan to watch “Dune” on HBO Max multiple times over the next 30 days, I cannot stress enough how much this film deserves and needs to be seen and experienced theatrically; and in IMAX if possible!
DUNE is rated PG-13 for sequences of strong violence, some disturbing images and suggestive material